Let's use common sense with Common Core

Shawn Hayes
Shawn Hayes, Shelby County special education teacher
  • Educators and parents want and deserve classroom stability
  • Common Core State Standards are not a curriculum but%2C rather%2C a roadmap for what students should know

As I reflect on my years of teaching special education, I am often reminded of the constant change that occurs in the classroom. This change is often dictated by those who have very little, if any at all, knowledge of the stresses and pressures these mandates and initiatives have on those of us in the classroom or the students they impact. So let me give you a common sense approach to learning in my classroom.

Picture a classroom of eager and energetic special needs students, complete with their own unique challenges. This was the classroom I inherited almost 4 years ago. I was tasked with raising achievement to new heights with the most at-risk population in the school, and I noticed a problem.

The students had grown so accustomed to aiming for right answers and trying to put an A, B, C, or D to it that they had lost all focus of the process. I am reminded of a particular student that told me "they couldn't do math" because they were so accustomed to learning how to pass the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) instead of analyzing and conceptualizing mathematics to help them process any math problem.

Through diligence and years of effort, I am proud to say that the special education population has greatly improved, even having the highest growth and achievement in the school two out of three years. I attribute much of this to the Common Core State Standards.

Attributing success of students to a standard is, of course, quizzical at best. However, when one really understands and analyzes the standards, the picture becomes clearer. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are not a curriculum but, rather, a roadmap for what students should know at each grade level that are consistent and rigorous so every child in this country has a chance to learn at a high-level. The standards were designed to be broad to give local control over what is to be taught with each standard, lending to differentiation and creativity as it relates to local needs in every classroom. This autonomy has allowed me to take ownership of the standards and the learning of my students, inspiring them to be more creative, authentic, critical learners.

Similarly, states across the country, are taking ownership by reviewing the Standards, adding to them, providing training for teachers and parents, and making changes were necessary – exactly as the Standards were designed. In Tennessee, one of the earliest adopters of the Standards, students have made some of the biggest academic improvements in the country.

Tennessee educators, students, and parents have put blood, sweat, and tears into implementing these standards through summer training for educators, continued support for districts, and a firm commitment that these standards are what's best all Tennessee students.

Changing course now would undo the hard work and investment teachers, parents and students have made preparing for the shifts. Just as states have begun to align curricula and resources to the standards and see improvement with students, politicians seeking votes make it the issue du jour and try and derail all of the hard work that has been done. The same is happening right here in Tennessee.

Educators and parents want and deserve classroom stability, and are asking for the threats of repealing and rewriting the standards to stop. Thankfully, we are also seeing educators and parents speak up against the repeal of Common Core, like last week when 114 of Tennessee's state superintendents signed a letter asking lawmakers to "stay on the right path" and again last week when nearly every community college president in the state rallied at the State Capital asking for the higher standards to stay.

I ask that all Tennesseans stand up for an improved future for our students, one that will prepare them for future college and career success, by supporting the Common Core State Standards. Let's use common sense on Common Core!

Shawn M. Hayes is a Special Education teacher for the Shelby County School system in Memphis, TN. He is an advocate for higher standards and advancing the education profession through the Teach Plus Fellowship, Teacher Champion Fellowship, and America Achieves Fellowship.