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Opinion: During coronavirus, we should suspend letter grades in schools

To assign a student a grade during a pandemic means we would ignore their other responsibilities at home


The California Department of Education has given local school districts across the state guidance on grading for the second semester. In consultation with teachers, districts will need to decide if we are to continue with letter grades in the midst of a shutdown or move to a different model.

I thought about this as I logged onto Zoom to see my students. They were excited to see me; a few thought it was pretty cool to be part of an online class and to see their friends. Others were grateful for some semblance of normalcy. But the missing faces in my class were concerning.

After reaching out to their families, I learned that some students were awaiting a Chromebook and wireless hotspot from the district office. Others were caring for younger siblings. Some picked up extra shifts at their job now that they weren’t at school during the day. Every one of the students told me how sorry they were to have missed our class meeting.

Students want to do well, and at school part of “doing well” means getting good grades. But to assign a student a grade during a pandemic means that we would have to ignore the responsibilities they have when they aren’t at school.

I recognize that teachers are concerned about dropping letter grades. There is the worry about not being able to hold students accountable and the fear students will lose motivation to do work. There is also the concern that students will not be engaging in the rigor and time commitment they have in a normal school day.

But that’s the problem — this is not a normal school day.

A student could be trapped at home with an abuser. A student may not have a ride to go pick up their free or reduced breakfast and lunch. They may not have access to the mental health services they were only able to get at school and that they need to function on a daily basis. Students are reaching out for our help:

“I’m sorry I haven’t emailed you, but I have been in and out of the hospital.”

“I have just been feeling pressure trying to complete all my daily homework on time and everything, but I have two younger siblings that need to be taken care of. I guess I just feel like I have too many things going on at once and I’m finding it hard to multitask.”

“Last night I couldn’t fall asleep until 5:30. I know technically nothing would happen if I just didn’t show up but I feel bad, so I just wanted to let you know it’s not because I don’t care about class I’m just so tired.”

I urge districts across California to adopt the enrichment model with Credit/No Credit or Pass/Incomplete for the second semester. If students are able to show proficiency in essential standards, either before or during remote learning, they should earn credit. If they can’t, they should be given the opportunity to make up an Incomplete or No Credit when we return to school.

Assigning letter grades only rewards families who are able to provide resources for at-home learning and punishes those who aren’t. Additional stress during this time will only be detrimental to student academic performance and will undoubtedly amplify existing achievement gaps. Let’s suspend letter grades for now. It is the only way to show our commitment to dismantling inequity in our schools.

Nadia Razi teaches African American Literature and in the Advancement Via Individual Determination academic support program at Foothill High School in Pleasanton.