Kristin Rathje

Kristin Rathje

Kristin Rathje is a 2022-2023 Michigan Collaborative Teacher Leader as well as a senior ELA teacher, Master Teacher, and a member of the Cougars to College team at Detroit Leadership Academy, in Detroit, Michigan. She prepares seniors for the transition to college by developing literacy skills (including digital literacy), college-going vocabulary, and partnering with the college counselors to ensure that all DLA students have access to a post-secondary educational experience. Prior to teaching at DLA, Kristin taught ELA and served as Chair of the English Department at Lutheran High School North near Ferguson, Missouri where she also served as Curriculum Coordinator. Kristin was named Teacher of the Year at DLA High School (2020-2021). She earned her BA in Secondary Education, majoring in English and minoring in psychology, from Concordia University in Ann Arbor, and an MA in English Education/Critical Studies in the Teaching of English from Michigan State University.