Chicago Change Agent
Solving schoolwide problems of practice to address real challenges for students
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Application Deadline: April 21, 2025

Solving schoolwide problems of practice to address real challenges for students
Teach Plus recruits and selects Teacher Leaders who demonstrate effectiveness in their classroom and proficiency in their content area as well as the potential to develop the skills necessary for effectively leading other teachers.
To apply to this program, a teacher and principal co-identify an issue within their school that affects teacher practice and student outcomes in an academic area and aligns to the schoolwide priorities.
Once selected, this teacher becomes a Teach Plus teacher leader (TL), joining the Change Agent cohort with TLs from other selected schools. Teach Plus will support the Change Agent TL in tackling their problem throughout the school year, in the following ways:
At this moment, we are targeting TLs from Chicago schools (both charter and district) with a student population of at least 70% free or reduced lunch. If your school fits these requirements, we welcome a teacher (with the support of his/her principal) to apply to the Change Agent program! If you have questions about these guidelines, please feel free to reach out to Crystal Jameau (occasionally we will make an exception for a particularly compelling problem of practice that ties into our other programs or priorities).
All applicants must be current classroom teachers with a minimum of two years of teaching experience in a Chicago school (charter or district), with a student population of at least 70% free or reduced lunch. Applicants must demonstrate that they possess the critical skills and competencies required for effectively leading their peers. If you have questions about these guidelines, please feel free to reach out to Crystal Jameau (occasionally we will make an exception for a particularly compelling problem of practice that ties into our other programs or priorities).
Finally, our Principal Change Agent Fellowship will be open to the principals who have an interest in growing their teacher leaders and their own distributive leadership capacity. In this unique opportunity, principals will receive monthly coaching and bi-monthly professional development sessions on best practices in distributed leadership (and supporting your teacher leader), and an implementation stipend for their schools. If you are interested in learning more about this, please indicate your interest using this form.
Application and Series Timeline
Info Sessions:
You should also plan to attend regular monthly cohort sessions on Tuesday evenings, the in-person kickoff August 2-3 and our in-person fall retreat November 8-9.
IMPORTANT: if you cannot attend the two in-person sessions in August and November, you will not be eligible for selection to this year’s Fellowship.
Please contact Crystal Jameau with any questions.
Nominate a teacher who wants to achieve change in their schools and in the broader education system.