What is the Equity Leadership Institute (ELI)?
The Pennsylvania Equity Leadership Institute (ELI) is held in collaboration with school districts in the Southwestern PA region that are committed to finding solutions to diversify their educator workforce.
The Pennsylvania Equity Leadership Institute supports 6-8 district teams per cohort in Southwestern PA as they work to recruit, support, and retain teachers of color. Teams made up of district leaders, school leaders, and teacher leaders work together utilizing a continuous improvement process to analyze data, develop theories of action, learn about research-based best practices, and develop and implement actionable plans to address district policy and district culture to better recruit and retain teachers of color.

As part of the Equity Leadership Institute, district teams will:
- Assemble a team that includes district Leadership, school staff, and teacher leaders who will be charged with addressing district recruitment, support, and retention of teachers of color;
- Work with Teach Plus to identify and analyze district data that inform the recruitment, support, and retention of teachers of color;
- Learn about research-based best practices, district policies and culture directly from teacher leaders and nationally recognized experts and;
- Design and coordinate the implementation of plans to address district policy, procedures, and district culture intended to better support teachers of color.
Teach Plus will:
- Manage, facilitate, and coordinate the Equity Leadership Institute sessions;
- Meet with district teams to provide ongoing coaching and follow-up support as they design and implement their action plans, by providing feedback and guidance where appropriate;
- Provide technical support and guidance on how to collect, analyze, and report on relevant data;
- Support district teams with development and refinement of action plans;
- Engage local educator preparation programs, when relevant, to design partnerships to address challenges and develop pipeline programs;
- Partner with districts as they consider how to sustain extend the work beyond the institute and;
- Facilitate opportunities for district teams to network and collaborate with one another, partner organizations, and with partnered experts during the institute cohort.

For information contact: Dr. Aaron Johnson – Teach Plus PA Equity Leadership Institute Program Director, Ajohnson@teachplus.org Mobile: 412-860-6034