Teach Plus Pennsylvania Policy Fellowship
Leveraging the expertise and voices of our state’s outstanding teachers to advance equity for students
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Application Deadline: May 5, 2025

Leveraging the expertise and voices of our state’s outstanding teachers to advance equity for students
In summer 2025, Teach Plus will launch its fifth full cohort of Teaching Policy Fellows in Pennsylvania. This highly selective leadership opportunity is for 30 outstanding teachers looking to deepen their knowledge of education policy and amplify the voices of teacher leaders in Pennsylvania. Policy fellows, who will receive a $1,500 stipend for their commitment, will expand their influence without leaving the classroom through guided work, including:
Expand access and quality of
childcare and Pre-K in Pennsylvania
in addition to increasing the
pipeline of ECE educators.
Ensure adequacy and equity in the state’s education funding system, particularly for underserved students.
Identify improvements to teacher preparation to better prepare teachers to be effective, use culturally responsive practices, and persist in the profession.
Ensure teachers are trained in the science of reading and that curricula, assessments, and supports are also aligned with the science of reading to support students reading proficiently.
Identify strategies to attract more teachers into the teaching profession, address teacher shortages, and reduce barriers to entry in order to address looming teacher shortages and a lack of diversity in the workforce.
Complete and submit a written application prior to the deadline: May 5th, 2025. Teach Plus Pennsylvania will host three virtual information sessions prior to the application deadline:
Candidates participate in both an individual phone interview and a group activity via Zoom. If advanced, candidates select a day and time that works best for their schedule. Interviews will take place between May 19th-22nd, 2025.
All candidates will receive notification of their final status (accepted, not accepted, or wait listed) by May 30th, 2025.
Start your application below to join the Teach Plus Pennsylvania Policy Fellowship
Nominate a teacher who wants to achieve change in their schools and in the broader education system.
The mission of Teach Plus is to empower excellent, experienced, and diverse teachers to take leadership over key policy and practice issues that advance equity, opportunity, and student success. Since 2009, Teach Plus has developed thousands of teacher leaders across the country to shape education policy and improve teaching and learning, to create an education system driven by access and excellence for all. Teach Plus policy fellows have:
In past years, Teach Plus PA policy fellows have:
Emily Sagor serves as the Teach Plus Pennsylvania Policy Manager and leads the Teaching Policy Fellowship. She is a former elementary school teacher who has also worked as an instructional coach and as a policy analyst for the New Mexico State Legislature. Laura Boyce serves as the Teach Plus Pennsylvania Executive Director and supports the Teaching Policy Fellowship. She has led Teach Plus PA’s policy and instructional leadership work since the region’s founding in 2017. Previously, Laura was a high school teacher in Philadelphia and a principal in Camden, NJ.
Get to know the Teach Plus Pennsylvania Policy Fellowship teachers.