Angela Wright

Angela Wright

Angela Wright is a 2024-25 EBCAN Mobilizer. She is currently a Title III TOSA for the Azusa Unified School District. She previously taught kindergarten through 6th grades. Her work includes supporting the needs of administrators and teachers as they implement best instructional practices for Emerging Bilingual students in order for them to meet their language proficiency goals. In addition to being a Teach Plus Policy Fellow, Angela was also part of the inaugural cohort of the Emergent Bilingual Change Agent Network. Angela has been a proud member of ELLLI (English Learner Legacy and Leadership Initiative) since 2022 and participated in the EL Roadmap teacher roundtable that contributed to the teacher toolkit for the roadmap. She earned her BA in Liberal Studies from Azusa Pacific and Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum, and Instruction from Concordia University, Irvine.