Sarah Ahlers

Sarah Ahlers

Sarah Ahlers is a 9 and 10th grade English teacher to newcomer emergent bilingual students in both EDL and ADL sections; She also teaches Spanish and Latin. She is a facilitator for Allies for Equity, an action oriented space for teachers to convince and address equity issues on campus, and in the community. She is also the advisor for the MiSendero club that supports newcomer emergent multilingual students in their efforts to explore leadership opportunities, extracurriculars, and earn community service hours. Previously, Sarah has been a member of her site leadership team, a professional learning community lead, and a teacher induction program mentor. Sarah was also a South Coast Writers Project Fellow. She earned a BA in Classical Languages from San Diego State University with Minors in both American Indian Studies and English. She went on to earn her teaching credential in Latin, Spanish, and English.