Gabrielle Begay

Gabrielle Begay

Gabrielle Begay is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus New Mexico Alumni Policy Fellow. Gabrielle is a 1st grade teacher at Jose Barrios Elementary in Silver City, New Mexico. She is an alumna of Leading Educators through Alternative Pathways (LEAP), president of the Cobre Consolidated Board of Education, finance chair for the Cobre Consolidated Board of Education, and is a commissioner for the Commission on the Status of Women. She focuses on facilitating grade level PLCs with colleagues. Gabrielle was a member of the National Teach Plus Policy Advisory Board, a New Mexico Teach Plus Policy Fellow, and a New Mexico Teach Plus Senior Fellow. Gabrielle started her teaching career by completing the first cohort of LEAP and has taught kindergarten, first, and second grade. She earned a BAS in criminal justice in the area of corrections from Western New Mexico University and an MEd in teaching and learning from The University of the Southwest.