Casey Fuess is a choral music teacher at Lindblom Math & Science Academy, where he teaches five sections of high school chorus, two sections of songwriting, and 7th_8th grade chorus, as well as leads an advisory. Casey began teaching in 2011 and has since worked to expand students’ opportunities for artistic and personal growth. His classes participate in partnerships with Music of the Baroque, Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, Scenarios USA and Lakeside Singers. Casey holds various teacher-leader roles at Lindblom, including Assessment & Evaluation Committee chairperson, PPC member, PPLC co-chairperson, and ALSC teacher representative. He believes that the choral music classroom is a place where students can develop a love of learning, habits of hard work, and the ability to communicate with passion the ineffable essence of the human experience. Casey received a BM in Music Education and Voice Studies from Northwestern University.