Sarah DiMaria

Sarah DiMaria

Sarah DiMaria is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Texas Policy Fellow. Sarah teaches AP calculus at Cedars Next Generation High School in Austin, Texas. She is also the HS Instructional Coach and District PBL Coordinator. Sarah has previous experience teaching all levels of 8th grade and high school math along with physics and environmental science in a project-based environment. She was awarded the Presidential Award for Math and Science Teaching at the state level for Texas. Sarah was named Outstanding Texas Educator by the Texas Academy of Sciences. Sarah continues to improve her teaching expertise as a fellow of the Knowles Teaching Initiative Fellowship and Stanford’s Hollyhock Fellows Program. She trains teachers globally in Project-Based-Learning through ARIE’s Think Global Academies. Sarah graduated from Michigan State University with a BS in mathematics, teacher certification in secondary mathematics and science, and MA in teaching and curriculum with a concentration in administration.