Tiffany Goodman

Tiffany Goodman

Tiffany Goodman is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Pennsylvania Policy Fellow. Tiffany is a 1st grade teacher at Lehigh Parkway Elementary school in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She has completed two years of Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling training and applies the research of the science of reading to deliver effective reading instruction to develop proficient readers and writers, despite varying degrees of ability and language acquisition. Tiffany began her career teaching in Memphis, Tennessee. She became a co-director for an early childhood center and daycare. She has since taught various grade levels between kindergarten and third grade. Tiffany was appointed as the lead member of the Lighthouse Committee at a “Leader In Me” school. Tiffany earned her BS in Elementary Education from Kutztown University and is working toward her MS in educational development and strategies from Wilkes University.