Ashley Hogan

Ashley Hogan

Ashley Hogan is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Indiana Policy Fellow and an 8th grade English language arts teacher at Emma Donnan Middle School in Indianapolis, Indiana. She has devoted her time to educating adolescents who share her cultural background by empowering them to see their future through rich curriculum in the classroom. Previously, Ashley taught grades 1-3 and she has held leadership roles including serving on the instructional leadership team and lead teacher for grades K-2. Ashley was 1 of 18 Indiana Teachers of the Year, OEI Elementary Teacher of the Year, and Teacher of the Year at Tindley Summit Academy. Ashley is a recent graduate of the Relay National Principal Academy Fellowship and the MERCINDY 2023 SIOP Cohort of The Mind Trust. She earned her BA in early childhood education and special education at Ball State University and obtained her MEd in curriculum and instruction through Arizona State University.