Francesca Houck

Francesca Houck

Francesca Houck is a 2024-2025 Teach Plus Texas Policy Fellow who teaches 8th and 9th grade English at Harmony School of Endeavor in Austin. She also sponsors a college readiness and leadership club for 9th and 10th grade girls and is a part of the school’s C.A.R.E. Team initiative, which includes keeping in touch with and supporting alumni after graduation. She has been at Harmony for 10 years and currently serves as a teacher leader for the instructor-led training team as well as professional learning committee leader for English I in her district. Her love of education and students’ success has kept her striving for rigor and excellence in the classroom and she has earned Teacher of the Year three times throughout her career. Francesca earned her BA in English with a minor in education at the University of Texas at Austin and graduated from the UTeach Program while there.