Lindsay Johnson

Lindsay Johnson

Lindsay Johnson is a 2024-2025 Illinois Policy Fellow and 6th-8th grade art teacher at Roosevelt Middle School in River Forest, Illinois. She builds artistic spaces where individuals feel valued. Lindsay began her teaching career at the self-contained elementary level, led schools as a Technology Integration Specialist, and returned to the classroom to teach art. She has led ceramics and animation clubs, and launched a “Visiting Artists Program.”. She has been a Fund for Teachers Fellow (2011, 2018, and 2023), NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellow (2019), and a Qatar Foundation International Fellow (2023). Lindsay was an Advocacy Regional Representative for the Illinois Art Education Association and is currently on the Teacher Advisory Council for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. She earned her BFA in visual communication from The University of Kansas, an MA in teaching from National-Louis University, and an MEd in technology in education at National-Louis University.