Frances Lazette

Frances Lazette

Frances Lazette is a 2025 Teach Plus National Teacher Policy Cabinet Executive Board Member and is a middle school U.S. history and French teacher at Scarlett Middle School in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She is an advocate for equitable school funding and increasing opportunities for students through her policy work. Her classroom focuses on teaching students critical thinking skills and using inquiry to connect the content to the present day.

Frances is a member of her school’s Equity & Leadership team and is the Peer-to-Peer facilitator at her school, a student-led program that supports youth mental health. Frances is an alumna of the Teach Plus-EdTrust Midwest Michigan Teacher Leadership Collaborative program where she advocated for equitable school funding as a Fellow and a Senior Fellow. She was a Teach Michigan Education Policy Fellow, concentrating on teacher recruitment and retention in areas of need. Frances is the President of the Michigan World Language Association, organizing professional development opportunities for teachers across the state.

Frances earned her BA in Political Science and French & Francophone studies from the University of Michigan. She completed a Masters in Urban and Diversity Education from Eastern Michigan University.