Ijeoma Okotie

Ijeoma Okotie

Ijeoma Okotie is a 2024-2025 Teach Plus Texas Houston Policy Fellow. She teaches 7th grade science at Yes Prep West Secondary School in Houston, Texas, as well as prepares students for the science fair exhibition at the school, district, and city levels. Ijeoma serves as a Science 7 Content Team Facilitator, in which she facilitates and leads the 7th grade team during content team and reading days, in addition to being a teacher leader who provides training on district, course, and content priorities. She has taught A-level biology to students seeking entry to their second year at university, as well as 6-11 grades, in Nigeria. She chose teaching as a career after inspiring teachers in her life, including her mother. Ijeoma received a BScEd in biology education from Delta State University Abraka and MScEd in biology education from University of Benin, Nigeria.