Pamela Stiles is a Teach Plus Los Angeles Teaching Policy Fellow. Pamela teaches 6th grade STEM and coordinates the one-to-one laptop program at The Incubator School, an entrepreneurship pilot within LAUSD, where she also facilitates the student tech team and is a member of the instructional leadership team. Previously, Pamela taught at John Liechty Middle School and at Stevenson Middle School, where she discovered her passion for technology education and led the implementation of School2Home, a multi-middle school, one-to-one technology initiative that provided a laptop for each student to use in class and take home daily. In 2012, the California Emerging Technology Fund awarded Pamela the Don and Rosemary Vial Individual Award for Digital Inclusion in recognition of her work on closing the digital divide and promoting digital inclusion in California. She earned a BA in Economics, a minor in Education, and a Master of Education from the University of California, Los Angeles.