Alejandra Reynoso is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus California Los Angeles Emergent Bilingual Change Agent. Alejandra is a high school English language development and long-term English learner teacher at Public Service Community School in Los Angeles. In her seventh year of teaching, she has taught English language arts and English language development in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In 2019, Alejandra was a recipient of the Excelencia in Teaching Award from the National Council of Teachers of English and was also part of NCTE’s Early Career Educator of Color Leadership Program (2020-2021). She began her teaching career as part of the San Francisco Teacher Residency Program and has participated in Free Minds, Free People; Students Deserve; and University of California, Los Angeles, Writing Project. Alejandra earned her BA in English literature from University of California, Berkeley, and her MA and credential in secondary education from Stanford University.