Tanika Johnson

Tanika Johnson

Tanika Johnson is a special education instructional resource teacher for grades kindergarten through 3rd at Spring Hill Elementary. Since 2010, she has also served as a comprehensive developmental classroom (CDC) mild teacher for grades kindergarten through 5th, and CDC moderate teacher for grades kindergarten through 2nd. Tanika is one of the 2013-2014 PTA faculty liaisons for Spring Hill Elementary. In this role, she has aimed to build a sense of community at the school, encouraged parents to develop an active interest in children’s school activities, and supported parents in the growth and development of their children. Tanika is the special education department co-chair, a Helping Hands tutor and technology committee representative. She is the 2011-12 Memphis City Schools recipient of the I Teach, I Am an Irreplaceable Public Campaign Award for attaining an overall teacher evaluation measure in the top ten percent. She has previously served as Teacher Effectiveness Initiative (TEI) Ambassador, is a Teach Plus-NEA Future of the Profession Fellow and Kindergarten through Fifth Common Core Collaborative Cohort Member.