Tracee Thompson

Tracee Thompson

Tracee Thompson is a 2024-2025 Teach Plus Mississippi Policy Fellow who teaches English II and dual-credit English Composition I and II at Jim Hill High School in Jackson. She is a co-sponsor for the school yearbook and has served as English department chair, coordinator of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, and English subject area supervisor in the Jackson Public Schools Curriculum Department. Tracee was named 2011-2012 STAR Teacher for Jim Hill High School and 2012-2013 Jackson Public Schools Teacher of the Year, and has been awarded the Milken Educator Award (2013-2014) and Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction (2024). Tracee is a member of the National Council of Teachers of English. She earned her BA in English from Florida Atlantic University, an MAT secondary education, and an MA in English literature from Jackson State University.