Yvette Townsend

Yvette Townsend

Yvette Townsend is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Arkansas Policy Fellow, a 4th grade English language arts (ELA) teacher, and a multi-classroom leader at Lincoln Middle School in Lincoln, Arkansas. She focuses on helping children find their voice in the classroom through discussion and collaboration and growing their love of reading in order to help students feel empowered in their learning. Yvette has supported team teachers in her role as muti-classroom leader, taught 6th grade ELA and Social Studies, and conducted targeted reading interventions in 4th-6th grade. She earned her MA in German literature and English for Speakers of Other Languages certification from the University of Arkansas Fayetteville. She’s also earned an MA in teaching from the University of Arkansas Monticello and holds a teacher leader micro-credential from the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.