Alicia Vazquez is a 2024-2025 Teach Plus California Emergent Bilingual Change Agent. She is a 4th grade teacher and English Language Learner (ELL) Facilitator at Braly Elementary School. For five years, Alicia was an educational technology coach supporting SCUSD’s one-to-one computer program. She also wrote the Project-Based Learning (PBL), technology-infused K-12 curriculum for the district’s ELL/Migrant/Newcomer Saturday and Summer Academies. Before that, Alicia was a Literacy Coach in the San Francisco Unified School District and taught English in Madrid, Spain. She has a Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development (BCLAD) teaching credential. She is a Regional Representative for the English Learner Leadership and Legacy Initiative Bay Area group that is part of the Californians Together English Learners (EL) Advocacy non-profit group. Alicia has a BA in public relations from San Jose State University, master’s in educational leadership from National University, and an Administrative Credential from Santa Clara Office of Education.