Dr. Andrea Ward is a 2024-2025 Teach Plus Michigan Policy Fellow and a 5th-8th grade special education teacher at Pierce Middle School in Grosse Pointe Park. Andrea is a member of Pierce Middle School’s MTSS team and previously served as director of the GPPSS Elementary Summer Learning Program, director of the Early-Childhood Literacy Grant, and director of Title I Summer Programs for students in Grosse Pointe. Andrea was a member of Phi Delta Kappa’s Emerging Leaders Program (2013-2014), a member of the Outstanding Special Education Team in Wayne RESA (2009), and received Educator of the Year for Region 6 from the Michigan Association of Middle School Educators (2005). Andrea serves as the vice president of rights and responsibilities and as a member of the bargaining team for the Grosse Pointe Education Association. She earned her BA in political science and secondary education and an MEd in special education with a focus in learning disabilities from the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and a PhD in educational leadership and policy studies from Wayne State University.