Teach Plus Congratulates Founder Celine Coggins on Taking the Helm at Grantmakers for Education

Teach Plus Congratulates Founder Celine Coggins on Taking the Helm at Grantmakers for Education

Washington, D.C.—Teach Plus congratulates its founder Celine Coggins on being named Executive Director at Grantmakers for Education.  

“Throughout her career, Celine has remained steadfast in her commitment to growing the movement of teacher leadership to make a positive difference for students.  As Executive Director of GFE, she’ll have a powerful platform to do just that,” said Roberto J. Rodríguez, Teach Plus President & CEO. “All of us at Teach Plus are excited about her new role and look forward to working together to elevate the perspectives and leadership of teachers as we build a stronger teaching profession.”

Celine stepped down as CEO of Teach Plus in 2017, ten years after founding the organization.  

Teach Plus is a national nonprofit that empowers excellent, experienced teachers to take leadership over key policy and practice issues that affect their students’ success.  www.teachplus.org