Teach Plus New Mexico Innovation Change Agent

Apply Now
Application Deadline: July 26, 2024
You are invited to apply for the Teach Plus New Mexico Innovation Change Agent Program, a highly selective leadership opportunity for outstanding NM teachers. Through the Innovation Change Agent Program, teacher leaders deepen their skills necessary for effectively collaborating with other teachers while leading a school-based effort to address a problem of practice affecting students in their school.

What is the Teach Plus New Mexico Innovation Change Agent Program?

Teach Plus supports teachers leading efforts to address problems of practice in schools. The principal and teacher leader partner to identify an issue in their school that aligns to the school’s strategic plan and impacts teacher practice and student outcomes within the goals listed above. Once selected, Teach Plus NM will provide the teacher leader with training and ongoing coaching to achieve measurable results, and grow their capacity for leadership through support in the following:

  • Root Cause Analysis: Teacher leaders explore root causes of the issue to ensure the change effort they lead will make a difference for students, and then craft SMART goals to address them.
  • Leadership Training: Utilizing in-person learning and ongoing monthly sessions, teacher leaders learn principles of change management, develop action plans, and grow skills to better lead their teams.
  • Ongoing Coaching: Teach Plus provides regular 1:1 coaching sessions and progress monitoring to support teacher leaders as they implement plans, address challenges, and are accountable for results.
  • Collaboration: Teacher leaders will get to visit a Teach Plus NM partner school that is implementing an innovative system that is connected to their own goal for learning.
  • Stipend: In recognition of their time and effort, teacher leaders receive a $2,000 stipend from Teach Plus at the successful conclusion of the program. In addition to a stipend, Change Agents will receive a $500 implementation fund to purchase any materials needed for their project.

As an Innovation Change Agent, you will:

  • Work with your principal to identify a high-leverage problem that address the focus areas listed above, which you will address with a team of teachers throughout the school year;
  • Work independently and collaboratively each month with Teach Plus coaches and the Change Agent network to discuss, analyze data, reflect, and revise action plans. Cohort meetings will last 2.5 hours and occur once a month virtually;
  • Fellows receive training through expert-led modules and direct engagement with key stakeholders.

How does it work?

Teach Plus recruits and selects New Mexico Innovation Change Agents from across the state to participate in the cohort experience. Selected Change Agents will lead a collaborative team of their peers, in partnership with their principal, in developing customized and school-based solutions to the needs of learners.

2024-2025 Innovation Change Agent Categories

Our Innovation Change Agents will have access to school site visits, expert speakers, coaching, and training that will be focused on supporting teacher leaders to work on projects related to:

  • Targeted improvement in early literacy and math
  • Improving systems to improve high school graduation rates
  • Targeted systems of support for underserved students

Teach Plus Change Agent Results

Over the past five years, Change Agents have impacted student outcomes from urban to rural schools:

  • 87% of Change Agents met or exceeded goals for shifting teacher practices or student outcomes;
  • 88% of Change Agents had at least one level of growth on the Teacher Leadership Attribute Continuum;
  • 100% of Change Agents agreed that participating has developed their capacity as a leader;
  • 100% of administrators “would recommend Teach Plus as a partner.”


Teach Plus seeks a cohort of teachers who reflect the cultural, linguistic, and geographic diversity of New Mexico. Apply to the policy fellowship if you:

  • Are a current teacher of record (PK-12) with at least two full years of teaching experience by June 2024.
  • Have a track record of success teaching students as well as demonstrating leadership  in traditional public or charter schools in New Mexico.
  • Are ready to dedicate your time and energy to learning how to lead a team and advocating on behalf of changes that impact your students — while continuing to teach full time.
  • Have a passion for sharing the diverse perspectives and experiences of students and teachers with a variety of public education stakeholders.

Interested? Email Aimee Parra at aparra@teachplus.org

Application Process

Part 1 – Written Application (due by July 26, 2024)

The written application asks you to complete general demographic information, short responses and any supporting documents related to your leadership experiences. Documents could be, but not limited to: resume, certificates, or list of recognitions

Part 2 – Performance Task and Interview (week of August 12-21, 2024)

You will be notified if you have been invited to participate in a virtual  interview.

Part 3 – Selection

You will be notified if you have been selected to join the Teach Plus NM Innovation Change Agent Program. If accepted, you will commit to attending the in-person kickoff September 14, 2024.

Interested in becoming a teacher leader?

Click below to start your application.

Know a teacher leader?

Nominate a teacher who wants to achieve change in their schools and in the broader education system.

Learn More

  • Virtual Information Session (May 16, 5-6pm ). Register here
  • Innovation in Education Event (July 19-20, 2024) in Albuquerque. Register here
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Meet our Teacher Leaders

Get to know the Teach Plus New Mexico Policy Fellowship teachers.

Teacher Voices