Andre R. Porter

Andre R. Porter

Andre R. Porter is a 2018-19 Teach Plus Illinois Change Agent Teacher Leader. Andre serves as the general music teacher and dean of students at Thomas Hoyne Fine Arts Elementary School. Andre is the fine arts liaison, LSC teacher representative, CPS fine arts ATLAS teacher, and a National Jr. BETA Club academic sponsor. Andre is a Thurgood Marshall TQRP Fellow and has served proudly as an active duty United States Marine and a US Army Reservist. Prior to teaching in CPS, Andre served as the music coordinator for the Beverly Arts Center and has taught for the Archdioceses of Chicago, the UNO Charter School Network, the University of Chicago Hyde Park Day School, and Charles Houston Alternative High School. He is a graduate of the Armed Forces School of Music Basic Course and has a BA in both Music Performance and Music Education from Chicago State University.