Luz Galaviz

Luz Galaviz

Luz Galaviz is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Colorado Policy Fellow. Luz is a 3rd grade English language arts educator at Highland Elementary in Rifle, Colorado. She focuses on teaching culturally and linguistically diverse content to all children and is a part of her school-wide leadership team for culture and diversity. Luz was a presenter at the Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS) Summer Institute at the University of Texas El Paso, Texas and was awarded an Estola de Liderazgo (Leadership Stole) for her advocacy work in the classroom and school community. Luz was featured in Post Independent for contributing to the representation for diversity amongst academics and activists at Colorado Mountain College. Luz is an active member of MALCS and an active member of the Institute for Teachers of Color Committed to Racial Justice. She earned her BA in elementary education from Colorado Mountain College, Glenwood Springs.