Estibaliz Matulewicz

Estibaliz Matulewicz

Estibaliz Matulewicz was a 2022-23 Teach Plus Texas Policy Fellow. Estibaliz is an 8th grade Algebra teacher and TMSCA sponsor at Thomas C. Marsh Preparatory Academy in Dallas, Texas. She is passionate about working with emergent bilingual students and finding strategies to help them be successful in higher level math classes. Esti received TFA-DFW’s Latinx Influencer Driving Equity and Responsiveness (L.I.D.E.R.) Recognition (2021). Esti began her teaching career in Dallas as a 2020 Teach for America corps member and continues to teach at her placement school. She earned her BA in German and Visual Arts from Princeton University in Princeton, NJ and her MEd in Urban Education at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX.