Kaitlin McCann

Kaitlin McCann

Kaitlin McCann is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Pennsylvania Policy Fellow. Kaitlin is a Life Skills teacher at Strawberry Mansion High School in Philadelphia. She holds experience teaching elementary grades, middle school English language arts, history, and learning support. Kaitlin’s favorite position is being a coach to adolescents, where she can foster development of the whole child. Kaitlin began her career teaching English abroad, then transitioned into an AmeriCorps position before being hired as a full-time teacher where she engaged in union organizing and curriculum writing based in anti-racist and equity pedagogies. Kaitlin is National Board Certified and she mentors current NBCT candidates. Kaitlin served her union as a building representative or building committee member for five years. She is a core writer of Philadelphia’s 8th grade history curriculum. She earned her BA in elementary and special education from Millersville University, and an MEd in education policy from the University of Pennsylvania.