Tiffani Scott

Tiffani Scott

Tiffani Scott is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus Illinois Affinity Group Facilitator and an Assistant Principal at John R. Lewis Middle School in Waukegan, Illinois. She focuses on creating safe and equitable schools for students through her support for student services and behavioral health teams. She is passionate about empowering students to find their voices as students and community members in order to advocate for the world they want to live in. Tiffani was previously a school counselor, where she worked extensively in creating affinity spaces for both students and staff. She sponsored the Black Student Union, a women of color group, and African American/Black student workshops, and is a member of D128’s District Equity Leadership Team. As a data-driven educator, she has used data to drive problem-solving teams for positive academic changes for students, most significantly in her role as a Freshman On-Track Coordinator. Tiffani is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and was in the inaugural cohort of Women United of Lake County’s Corporate Future Leaders of Color. She earned her BA in Psychology and MEd in Counseling from Northern Illinois University, and an MEd in Educational Leadership from American College of Education.