Alicia Simba

Alicia Simba

Alicia Simba is a 2023-2024 Teach Plus California Policy Fellow. Alicia is a transitional kindergarten teacher at Prescott School in Oakland, California. She is a kindergarten readiness teacher leader, focusing on social-emotional development and foundational literacy and math skills through play-based, arts-integrated, and culturally relevant pedagogical approaches. She has served on her school site council and parent-family team, in addition to engaging in professional working groups such as the Black Teacher Project’s “Leadership and Sustainability Institute” and Oakland Starting Strong and Smart’s “10 Promising Practicing in Early Learning for Black Boys.” She has written for publications that include “Teen Vogue,” Education Week, EdSource, EdSurge, Blavity, and Barnard Magazine. She has worked in early childhood education in daycares, laboratory classrooms, Head Start, and public schools. She earned her BA in political science from Barnard College and her MA in elementary education and teaching credential from Stanford University.