Teach Plus National
In our national programs as in all our work, we are guided by our mission to empower excellent, experienced, and diverse teachers to take leadership over key policy and practice issues that advance equity, opportunity, and student success.
In pursuing our mission, Teach Plus is guided by our Student Opportunity Mandate: All students should have the opportunity to achieve their potential in an education system defined by its commitment to equity, its responsiveness to individual needs, and its ability to prepare students for postsecondary success.
Networks & Programs
Programs that support district-level change to positively impact student learning.
In-school instructional practice programs that empower teacher leaders to make lasting change in their school communities.
A nonpartisan fellowship of current classroom teachers which informs Teach Plus policy decisions at the federal level to advance equity-driven change for their colleagues and students.
A nonpartisan network of teachers that advocate for teacher-driven solutions that advance educational equity.
A highly selective program for Teach Plus alumni to deepen their op-ed writing and editing skills.

Meet our Teacher Leaders
Get to know the teachers in our programs.
Read Our News
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